Thursday, August 30, 2012


Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking about how we all find our way through life. It seems as if some people just know what they want to be from the time they are tiny. As for myself, I know what I love, but finding my way through the maze of jobs and opportunities and unexpected events in life have been so different than how I pictured it. I know that my heart beats faster when I am involved in architecture, fashion, art, journalism and eduction. The jobs I have had so far in life have been amazing experiences (working in design in architecture, and in design for fashion, among others), and I am still searching for the next opportunity. It's a day at a time, and a matter of compiling all the opportunities that I have experienced as of yet, and using them to be ready for the next one that comes along. It is also about enjoying where I am today and what I have today, so that I don't miss it. 
image via amorr burakova, and used with permission

It's okay to have more than one dream. (Did you know Julia Child was a copywriter, and then later gathered intelligence for the government before entering cooking school at age 36)? It's actually a good thing to be passionate about more than one topic. I used to think I had to decide to either love fashion or love architecture or love writing. But I don't need to decide. I can, and should, love all these things. I can see now that they all relate, and in more ways than I could see before. Knowing fashion actually helps me understand parts of architecture, and the other way around. Really! But more of that another time.

Garance Dore wrote about her experience of finding her way a while back. She tells about the path that led her to the point of finally illustrating for the cover of Vogue, and it has stuck with me ever since:

"I just want to say to everyone like me who chose slightly more complicated paths, the roads less traveled, the ones with lots of roadblocks and long stretches of anguish, I just want to say that the most important thing is to always be moving toward your desire. Just do the things that make you smile and you’ll always end up somewhere. Even if that place is not anywhere you’d imagined you’d be at the start." 

And now she has a column for Vogue Paris! Here Scott explains how she waited for the right time to take position. Garance writes more about her story of how she came to have a column for Vogue as well. She talks about how she has other dreams beyond illustrating, many of them actually. And, as it turns out, some of them are coming true. And it's only the beginning. 

Do you have more than one big dream? It takes a lot to just keep forging ahead, but it's worth it in the end. And can also be enjoyed along the way.  

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